Man, a lot has changed in one night! Randy Orton was awarded the WWE championship in the beginning of the night at the WWE Pay Per view... NO MERCY! True, there was NO MERCY for Triple H! But it really wasn Ortons night... he was able to gain the championship twice that night, seeing as Triple H was really badly beaten, but the legend Killer pretty much prevailed!
The big news, isn't really coming from Smackdown, but the big buzz around HBK returning early... to Monday Night Raw... and beating the crap out of Randy orton! Now in Cyber Sunday, it's a choice between Randy orton vs. Jeff Hardy, Kennedy... or HBK.... I want Kennedy to get a title shot. But actually on other news... SAVE_US 222... came up with a new promo, some sort secret message, REV_UP 22:11 or something like that, once I figure it out, I will let you know, but my money is still on jericho coming back... would love to see him kicking some ass clowns... and bring back... RAW IS JERICHO!!!