BIG SHOW comes on down to the Smackdown ring, and he beats the crap out of the two jobbers! He then goes on and says that He is going to beat the crap out of Mayweather! Big Show shows some great boxing skills, which he has to put to the test on Monday night Raw. Because in that WWE Ring they are going to have a boxing match between Big Show and another Professional Fighter! We’ve got Deuce and Domino going against Jimmy Wang Yan and Shannon Moore! What is is with Deuce and Domino? Are they just supposed to be Greasers? Greasers weren’t that scary, they need to become good guys! They won’t work as bad Guys!
Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang have won the match! But I think that this tag tea is a really big mismatch in my book. But it seems to work! Look at that Vickie and Edge! They look like they are soooo in love! I love Canadians! Man, they were going to kiss again, great thing that those two came in to distract them! GREAT, We don’t need another kiss from these two fools! So Edge wants revenge from what Undertaker did last week, so he’s putting one of his punk edge heads to take the taker out! Of course we all know that Undertaker is going to kick his ass big time!
I see Chuck Palumbo is doing better, he is becoming a bad guy, and he needs to kick some more ass, instead of just kicking Jamie nobles Ass! Wow this has really added to Jamie Nobles career! People are really cheering him on nowadays! This is a mismatch match, Chuck is much bigger than Jamie Noble! But I’d be pissed too, if I had a chance to be with Michelle Mc Cool, and he was a cock blocker! Noble Countered into an armbar, I think that, this will be a big upset for Chuck Palumbo! Of course Chuck Palumbo wins, he should find a new Finisher... “Full Throttle”? Eh, kind of liked that move!
My Goodness, look at Maryse! She is really hot! Look at how she is looking at Batista! Look at him, Ripped like a mother kanucker! So Batista vs. Umaga? Damn, he’s losing his career now isn’t he? So now we’ve got Batista and kane Vs. Khali and MVP! MVP’s character is really turning into a great heel! This was a great match, honestly, I kind of dozed off during the Big Daddy V Match and Undertaker match, but you know that He won, so not much to explain!