Saturday, March 1, 2008
BIG SHOW comes on down to the Smackdown ring, and he beats the crap out of the two jobbers! He then goes on and says that He is going to beat the crap out of Mayweather! Big Show shows some great boxing skills, which he has to put to the test on Monday night Raw. Because in that WWE Ring they are going to have a boxing match between Big Show and another Professional Fighter! We’ve got Deuce and Domino going against Jimmy Wang Yan and Shannon Moore! What is is with Deuce and Domino? Are they just supposed to be Greasers? Greasers weren’t that scary, they need to become good guys! They won’t work as bad Guys!
Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang have won the match! But I think that this tag tea is a really big mismatch in my book. But it seems to work! Look at that Vickie and Edge! They look like they are soooo in love! I love Canadians! Man, they were going to kiss again, great thing that those two came in to distract them! GREAT, We don’t need another kiss from these two fools! So Edge wants revenge from what Undertaker did last week, so he’s putting one of his punk edge heads to take the taker out! Of course we all know that Undertaker is going to kick his ass big time!
I see Chuck Palumbo is doing better, he is becoming a bad guy, and he needs to kick some more ass, instead of just kicking Jamie nobles Ass! Wow this has really added to Jamie Nobles career! People are really cheering him on nowadays! This is a mismatch match, Chuck is much bigger than Jamie Noble! But I’d be pissed too, if I had a chance to be with Michelle Mc Cool, and he was a cock blocker! Noble Countered into an armbar, I think that, this will be a big upset for Chuck Palumbo! Of course Chuck Palumbo wins, he should find a new Finisher... “Full Throttle”? Eh, kind of liked that move!
My Goodness, look at Maryse! She is really hot! Look at how she is looking at Batista! Look at him, Ripped like a mother kanucker! So Batista vs. Umaga? Damn, he’s losing his career now isn’t he? So now we’ve got Batista and kane Vs. Khali and MVP! MVP’s character is really turning into a great heel! This was a great match, honestly, I kind of dozed off during the Big Daddy V Match and Undertaker match, but you know that He won, so not much to explain!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Maria's Play Boy Cover online NOW!!!
Finally ECW has made Colin Delaney a permant member to the land of EXTREME. I guess the WWE thinks he’ll be a great talent in the future, and I hope so too. WWE doesn’t need any more punching bags! Did you hear about Maria Kanellis is the 16th top sports search on Yahoo! WWE is 9th overall, which is cool.
I wanted to talk about John Cena today, and The Rock. See John Cena had an interview talking about The Rock a while ago on the UK’s SUN. He said that The Rock has done great things for the WWE, but he hasn’t done anything lately! I don’t think that is a smart move on his part! Seeing as the people didn’t Boo The Rock at the Prime of his career! The Reason for Cena’s Booing, is the fact that he was WWE Champ way to long! The WWE Fans just grew tired of him, and became bored of his act! So WWE probably came up with the mixture of Gangster/military act!
The best choice for Cena was to go out with the injury and come back to the WWE later. He came back to the WWE way to soon, when the hatred for his character was still fresh in the WWE fan’s minds! He was gone from the WWE only for four months, and then came back at WWE’s Pay Per View Royal Rumble! He should’ve done what all great superstars do in the WWE! When you sustain an injury, you stay out of the game for 8 months or more, making people wonder what happened to you, turning their hatred into curiousity, soon in sympathy! The same thing happened to Triple H, he was a bad guy, and was out for 8 months, and when he came back to the WWE, he was Cheered by everyone!
Next Week on WWE monday Night Raw, there will be the Big Show facing off with a pro boxer! I guess that's what they wanted to do, incorporate the Big Shows training to become a boxer! Maria's Playboy cover is going to be revelead next week, then On ECW Tommy Dreamer and Colin Delaney will challenged the MIZ And Morrison for the Tag Team Championships! More to come, as the days come closer, WWE SMackdown will be coming on this Friday night! So Later folks!
Monday, February 25, 2008
The End of Monday Night Raw live Coverage FEB 25,2008
Shawn had a quick match against Lance cade, but that wasn’t the important part of the match. Ric Flair wants a match against Shawn at Wrestlemania! I guess we aren’t going to see Ric Flair anymore after Wrestlemania! They showed Maria’s Playboy photo shoot, but it wasn’t shot last week, but a couple of weeks ago. Now they say that the WWE Wrestlemania Pay per view is going to have a Bunny match! I hope it's not like that playboy lingerie pillow fight, which all in all was good for the WWE, but wasn't that exciting!Well Mr Kennedy is coming down to the Ring with his new Music, if you asked me, I liked his old entrance theme. Orton is coming down to the ring, not even a loud BOO or even any applause. Wow this crowd is quite!
Triple H is getting a loud pop from the crowd, but not quite loud enough. I really think they need to get Cena out of this, he shouldn’t be going to wrestlemania! He’s been at 4 wrestlemania straight, winning and retaining his title every time. First Time winning the United States Championship, then Winning the WWE title from JBL, then Retaining against Triple H, and then retaining against Shawn.
Well people aren’t giving him such a good reaction once John Cena was coming to the ring! That is the WWE Fans for you! See I think that the WWE Fans just didn't like John Cena after seeing him so many times as Champ. The WWE Fans wanted a nice change of pace! I don’t think people will like him unless he is out for at least a year! See he came back to soon. The thing is people just saw him every single time on Raw as Champion and they got bored of him! So he needed to be out longer than that, then people will remember that he’s a fan favorite! Well they are going to commercial now!
Well they come back from commercial with John Cena in the ring with Mr. Kennedy! They are saying that the match during the commercial break was chaotic! When Cena came in the ring, people started to Boo im, he then tagged in Triple H with a “You can’t see me” The crowd Gave triple h a really good reaction! Orton and Kennedy are now taking apart Triple H in the ring right now, they are keeping him away from John Cena! Behind the referee’s back, Kennedy was beating down on Triple H!
Gotta love that DDT that Orton (The WWE Champ) does on the second Rope, that is just a cool move! Orton and Kennedy are really working well together! Kennedy runs towards Triple H in the corner, and Triple H gives him the big Boot! He crawls towards Cena, as the crowd goes crazy, but Orton stops him before he could even make it towards John Cena. Orton hits that inverted Back breaker, and he is ready to deliver an RKO, but the game countered the RKO. He was able to tag in Cena, and Cena is cleaning house, there are Boos and Cheers, it’s a really huge mixture from the crowd! He hits the five knuckle shuffle on Kennedy, and now it’s time for the FU, but Orton stops it, and the game comes in after him!
Cena And Kennedy are the two legal men, and Cena( WWE golden BOY) puts him into the STFU, and Kennedy Taps really fast. Triple H looked like he was going to pedigree John Cena, but then he stopped! They are standing face to face, Kennedy comes out of nowhere and hits a “Mic Check” on John Cena. Triple H didn’t seem to care to much! Well The King of Kings is going to win, because that’s the way he wanted it from the begining. That Orton would have the title at Mania, and Triple H would beat him for it! You have got to love the WWE! It's one of the greatest Sports entertainment out there! Honestly there is nothing out there Like the WWE!
Monday night Raw Live Coverage Contd' FEB 25, 2008
Well it’s now Lance Cade vs. Shawn Michaels! Lance Cade seems to be aggressive in this match. He has to prove himself, or else he is just going to fade out in the WWE. I think he and Trevor needs to work hard and try to make a bigger impact. Challenge some great tag teams, and work at it! Shawn was going for the Sweet Chin Music, but Murdoch distracted him, then Shawn tried to put that new submission move on Lance, but Trevor came in and he started to beat on Shawn. This is exactly what they need to do! They have to attack everyone, but don’t start off with Shawn! He hits the Sweet chin music on both of those two, the Redneck Wrecking crew! DAMN They broke his nose! Well that’s what you get for being a top dog in the WWE!
Well Ric Flair Comes out, and Shawn is showing his respect to him, you know I think he is going to have a match with Ric Flair at Wrestlemania, and Shawn is going to Put him into retirement! Ric Flair is going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, as being the only active wrestler to be inducted! Now Flair wants a match, and if Flair loses, then Flair is going to retire! I know that when the match goes down, Shawn is going to win, and Ric Flair is going to retire! I think this is going to be a great way to end his career!
They were showing that the two new inductees to the WWE Hall of Fame. They sowed Rocky Johnson, and High Chief Mavia! That's cool three generations of the Mavia's!
Monday Night Raw Live Coverage Cont;d FEB 25 2008
Well Vince comes out, saying that he is making a mistake, when he put him in that cage match. Saying that He had it coming, but he said that he didn’t expect that JBL Would beat the crap out of him! He demanded that JBL would come down, and here he comes, He’s without his limo! Vince says that he is going to beat him out, he says that JBL was supposed to be there only to keep Finlay in line, not to beat the crap out of Hornswaggle! VINCE is demanding an apology! Where are they taking this story line? How long is Hornswaggle going to be his son?
JBL Is saying that he is sorry that he hasn’t done it sooner! JBL says that he has it on good authority that Hornswaggle isn’t Vince’s Son, he is saying that Finlay is the Father! That’s weird, but it makes sense! Finally they are going to stop this story line! JBL Says the next time he gets him into the ring he’s going to make Finlay admit to it!
Well that was just a squash match, Umaga vs. D.H. Smith. That was a really quick match. They are showing Regal and Burchill, Regal wants to put a RAW Superstar vs a smackdown superstar. Katie Leah is a really hotty! She is trying to convince Regal to let “The Ripper” Paul Burchill to face the Smackdown Superstar!
Monday Night Raw Live Coverage cont'd FEB 25, 2008
Well Jeff Hardy comes out first, I just have to get used to his new song! I guess the old one just stuck seeing as he had it most of his career! Jericho comes out to slight less pop compared to Jeffs! This is Jericho’s chance of getting into the Money in the Bank! I think they should start using ladders from tonight on! I liked last year where the 8 entrants came out and they just beat the holy living hell out of each other! Well this is a Money in the bank qualifying match for Jericho!
Some good high flying moves, Jericho knocks Jeff hardy to the other side of the ring apron, Jericho goes for a spring board drop kick, but missed, Hardy then tried to do a diving body press, but Jericho countered with a pin attempt! Jeff Hardy then Spring Boards Jericho outside, then tries to do a baseball slide, but Jericho dodges! Now they are going to commercial! Well I think that Jericho is going to pull off the victory in this match, and he’s going to go to the Money in the bank match!
Jericho was going to for a bull dog, but Hardy countered it, and then did his awesome Turnbuckle Drop Kick. Jericho came back with a devastating clothes line. While Hardy goes up for the Whisper in the wind, Jericho blocks it, but then Hardy knocks him aside and he hits the whisper of the wind the second attempt. Then Hardy tries to do a hurricanrana to Jericho, but he countered and put him in the walls of Jericho! But Hardy get’s to the Ropes! The crowd was going back and forth from Jericho to Hardy, Hardy tried to hit the Swanton Bomb, but misses, and then Jericho hits the Lionsault, but couldn’t get the Three count! The entire crowd is going crazy now for this match! It was a sleeper but turned out to be an incredible match filled with counter after Counter! Hardy tried to go for a twist of Fate, Jericho counter to the wall fo Jericho, then Hardy countered, and pushed him into the ropes, then Jericho ran towards him tried to pin him, Hardy countered and tried to pin Jericho, and then Jericho flipped over and pinned hardy for the WIN! COUNTER AFTER COUNTER! A great match! They show Vince checking himself on the mirror, and they show a little of Hornswaggle getting beaten down by JBL.
Monday Night Raw Live Coverage Contd FEB 25, 2008
They started Showing the BIG SHOW when he confronted Mayweather when he first came back. They are just showing what happened last week! Man he really busted his nose huh? I really don’t understand this story line! Maybe it’s because the Big Show dropped all that wait in order to Box, so they are probably doing the whole boxing thing! In fact the Big Show is in Really good shape, and I will be shocked if it at Wrestlemania he is going to lose against Mayweather! That’s going to suck if he loses! Big Show should beat him, because last week he got a loud crowd reaction! “The greatest fighter in the world vs The largest Athlete I the WORLD!”
They are trying to pull off the whole “David vs. Goliath” thing again! I really don’t want it to end like that! I want the Big Show to win this match! They are showing the highlights of the press conference, where mayweather throws some money out towards the crowd! Man Mayweather had to get on a table, and he still looks like a shrimp to the show! Regal says that tonight there is going to be a tag match, with Orton and Kennedy vs Triple H vs. John Cena. Sounds like a good Main Event!
Jericho is coming on out, so that he can make it to the Money in the Bank Match. Did you realize that he made an old reference to one of his gags back in the WWF Days when Regal was commissioner? He said he added a little condiment to his tea, that’s when he peed in it! So Regal says if he wants in he has to have a match against Hardy Next! Well this should be good, I think that this will come close to Hardy vs. Shawn. I don’t know that match was pretty awesome, but I have never seen Jericho vs Hardy before! So this should be good! They should really give Jericho a much bigger push, I was kind of let down, when they showed that he was coming back, they used all of that secret code, but in the end he got one title shot, and then pushed aside!
Monday Night Live Coverage Cont'd FEB 25, 2008
While Orton is walking backstage, Mr Kennedy ....... KENNEDY shows up, and tells him that he is going to win the Money in the Bank match and then he is going to Cash that in that NIGHT, and he said that he is going to Pin Orton for the championship! First of all He won it last year, but he wasted his opportunity, but I Think that he was just doing that in order to go along with the “Being Vince’s Son Story line”! I think that could’ve still worked, even if he was suspended for the drug abuse allegations.
Well now we’ve got a match between the Italian dork Santino Marella and his Partner Carlito vs the Tag Champs Cody and Hardcore holly. Remember a while a go, Carlito was going to leave the WWE because he wasn’t getting enough direction with the company! Well That is true, he was being pushed aside! I think that his talents are being wasted just like the whole teaming up with Masters Phase. He should go back to the intercontinental title hunt! He’d be a great match up for Jeff Hardy!
So Cody is starting off the match, and he seemed to be doing well against Santino, but they’ve been tagging in and out, and they’ve been fresh, and Cody has be drained, he needed to make a take to the Alabama Slama Hardcore holly! Hardcore holly is quite impressive, but the crowd just didn’t seem to get into the match! The King was trying to get Maria to do some commentary, Santino got distracted, and Hardcore Holly Puts him up with the Alabama Slam, and beats Little Santino! Cody and Hardcore Pick up the victory of Santino and Carlito.Santino starts to yell at the King because he threw his crown at her, so that she would come on by and do commentary! Man she needs to dump him, and start a new story line!
Monday night Raw Live Coverage! FEB 25, 2008
What a way to start Monday Night Raw, with a little Montage of last weeks Main Event, where Triple H pedigreed both Cena and Randy Orton. Now thye showed the Three combatants in the ring, ready to rip each others heads off, while Orton was talking Smack, both Triple H and John Cena teamed up on him, and then tossed him out of the Ring. But the WWE champ was able to return into the ring while the other two were focused on each other. He delivered two incredible RKO’s to both Triple H and John Cena. Now I want to see them break out into fights where there has to be tons of security guards that have to come out and stop them!
Just like the good old days, when the rock would go against Triple H or Stone Cold, and they would just run to the ring beating the hell out of each other, and the security has to break it up! I’m sure that at Wrestlemania Triple H is going to become the New WWE Champion! I wonder are they going to change the spinner belt once Triple H wins it? But I can’t wait for Wrestlemania this year! It’s going to be in my home town of Orlando Florida, well close to it, in the CITRIS BOWL!
Friday, February 22, 2008
What the hell? There are some rumors, going around about x-pac hanging himself. Well he was trying to but his girlfriend made it in time to save him. Well sorry folks for being here to late, I actually just got home from hanging out with a couple of friends, But what a Smackdown indeed.
Well the show just started off with That Rated R Punk Edge coming out to the ring. Well I have to hand it to Edge, he has truly taken his character. That dude, has truly worked hard, and they developed him into a horrible character that people just love to hate.
I knew that he was going to bring up the whole Taker never lost at Wrestlemania, and how he’s never lost at Wrestlemania! Edge is going on saying that he wants to end the streak of the Undertaker, and as we all know, that the Undertaker is not going to lose at Wrestlemania. He is going to go in, beat Edge, and he is going to continue his winning streak for a long time to come! So the lights just go out, and we all know what comes next. The Taker hits the ring, and both of the edgeheads, the two dorks that listen to papa Edge are laid out! But some how Edge managed to get away from the Dead Man.
There was a Money in the Bank qualifying match, it was between Shelton Benjamin and Jimmy Wang Yang. Now this match was great, and it could’ve gone both ways. First of all I wanted to see how Jimmy would’ve faired in that kind of match, but know what Shelton can do, I’d rather have Shelton go back. He’s been in every single Money in the bank, and every time, he’s done something so remarkable. Hell they developed the whole stacking ladders in their video games based on Shelton Benjamin. Of course Shelton beat Jimmy. Now I would like to see Jimmy become either a tag champ, or at least the cruiser weight champ!
There was a tag team match between Jesse and Festus vs. Deuce and Domino. Now I know that they are two different styles, and the fact remains Everyone seems to like the characters of Jesse and Festus. I still don’t get what they are trying to do with Deuce and Domino? Festus at least transforms when the bell rings, so that’s kind of entertaining. Is Deuce and Domino’s only good trait be Cherrie? She hasn’t really done anything except for skate to the ring! Jesse and Festus won that match, of course they are getting a big push seeing as they are a crowd favorite. If Deuce and Domino don’t change their ways, they are going to end up being just like the Basham Brothers, out of work everywhere!
Well, there was a squash match, for Big Daddy V vs Shannon Moore! This was a waste of time, because what can you do with Big Daddy V? You need to have someone challenge him, I know they are trying to build up on him being the baddest dude, or the scariest, but they worked so hard to Make Mark Henry the big bad Silver back, but he’s doing nothing now but losing to John Cena! They need to put The Great Khali, Big Daddy V, and Mark Henry into a group, that is lead by the Big Show. Called “The Titans of Wrestling”. That way they can find some up and coming star to challenge them. This way the Titans would dominate all three shows!
There was a non-title match between Batista and MVP. Of course Batista won after hitting the Batista Bomb, but is this the future for Batista? Becoming a United states champion? He needs to develop his character a little more, he is a real fan favorite, and people are going to begin to forget about him unless he becomes more exciting. MVP on the other hand, he’s come a long way. When he first signed into Smackdown, he didn’t really show much potential, but nowadays, he’s showing really great potential. With some really great moves, and he’s got some good mic skills, the guy can go a very long way!
Kane defeated The Great Khali. Not such a great match, in case you forgot, they had a match at mania when Kane was doing his whole “See no Evil” theme. That match really wasn’t that great. Chuck Palumbo defeated some Dude named Matt Jackson. Didn’t really care about this match, but I was really pleased to how they are developing Chuck. He’s becoming a bad guy, but he needs to become a bad ass, that goes to all of the shows and just whoops a lot of ass.
The night ended with Rey coming out and telling the world he was going to miss Mania because he is going to have surgery on his torn biceps. This man can not catch a break, first his leg, now his arms. Well Vickie didn’t let that slide, she put him into a match with Chavo Guerrero. Rey defeated him in a non title match. Chavo is an ok guy, he’s been in this business a long time, and I guess it’s about time he get’s some real gold. After Rey beat Chavo, the Big Show came down, and of course he is looking better than every, he choke slammed Rey right into the mat! Well folks that was Smackdown for you! I hope you enjoyed watching it, and if you missed it, I hope that you enjoyed reading this!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
ECW Results!
Well of course there is congratulation to Ric Flair for being inducted into the Hall of Fame this year! Flair comes on out, and he starts to thank the fans. Of course you can’t have a baby face come out, there has to be a heel, so Elijah comes out and spits some game, saying the usual stuff. Elijah says that Flair is now in the house of extreme... Blah, Blah, blah! Then Shelton Benjamin comes out, and says that he is the gold standard. He says that Flairs Time is over, and this is his time! They both attack Flair, so CM PUNK comes on out to the rescue.
The first match of the night was between Kofi Kingston vs. Jason Riggs! Of course Kofi Kingston was extremely impressive dominating the match! The Miz then comes over and goes against Colin Delaney. Of course The Miz wins right away! Of course later that Night Ric flair pulls off the victory with CM PUNK. Finally Punk is catching a break, to bad he didn’t win during his title match! I really don’t like how his character is progressing. What is he? Just a straightedge super star? What is his gimmick, I think he is going to fade out if he doesn’t become an extreme wrestler. The only time I’ve seen him extreme was during the money in the bank match at Wrestlemania 23!
WWE News On Ron Simmons!
We haven’t seen Ron Simmons on WWE Raw in a long time right? Aren’t you guys wondering where he is? Well he has been sent to the rehab facility in Atlanta, the same place where Scott Hall, and Jake “The Snake” Roberts. I’ve been waiting to see Paul London and Brian Kendrick take Monday Night Raw by storm, but the thing is Paul London still hasn’t recovered completely from his foot injury. Can’t wait until he is at 100% and back in the ring exciting the fans again! Well let’s see what happens tonight on ECW. Seeing as Chavo was Able to Punk CM. Honestly, that is all that is important on ECW. We need some more ladder matches, some more tables matches, some more hardcore, even extreme rules matches!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Monday Night Raw's Conclusion!
Well it was leaked already that Maria is going to be doing the playboy shoot. So I guess this is the end of Santino! OH great, he’s gonna let her go against the Glamazon Beth. OMG, she is hot though. Muscular and yet still very hot! She can only pose if she beats Beth Phoenix, I’m going to be shocked if she does beat her! I knew it Candice Michelle was going to come back. And wow! She is sooooo smoking hot! Look at that tight body! So now Maria is going to pose for playboy, but we already knew that!
I think Triple H is going to call it straight down the middle. John Cena is getting his Boo’s again! The match was pretty good, Cena Pulled off an FU for the win, and Triple H hits him with the pedigree! Triple H stalked Orton, and then Pedigree’s him straight into the mat! Perfect way to end that match! Triple H Is going to get that title back, the King Of Kings will be on his thrown once more!
Monday night Cont'd
The Big Show has come back, and he looks really skinny! Well, I heard that he dropped 100 pounds, I think he is now 400 Pounds. Good job there Big Show! He’s coming out here to apologize for what he was did to Rey Mysterio! Big show is getting better pops than Mayweather, well this is pretty good, seeing as Big show was training to be a boxer, so I guess it’s going to be a boxing theme! But I didn’t like that, that Big Show flinched to little dude Mayweather! Another Money in the Bank Ladder Match, Mr.Kennedy’s got a new Ring entrance too! He is definitely going to Wrestlemania in the Money in the bank match, he’s going against Val Venis! I like his new move the Mic check. He’s going to the Money in the bank. He won, but then he lost his title shot! I don’t think he is going to win the Money in the Bank ladder match, it’s gonna be Jeff Hardy!
The next match is going to be the steel cage match between Hornswaggle and Mr. McMahon! Well this is going to be a very weird Match, I really don’t like where this story is actually going! But I like the fact that Finlay is a good guy now, but I would like to see Finlay back in the Money in the bank match though! I think that Hornswaggle is going to pull off another upset! JBL Came out of nowhere, I really didn’t see this coming at all! He handcuffs Finlay, so he can’t even Help little Hornswaggle! Him with his belt again, he’s going to be the holy living hell out of him! Damn, McMahon is really pushing this to the limit here! What the hell is JBL gonna do? Damn Hornswaggle just ate some steal! Holy crap he just threw him into the steel cage! DAMN!
Monday Night Raw Cont'd
Well Paul Burchill is coming right on out with super hot “sister” Katie Lea! And yes she does have some GREAT Family Genes. Of course you can tell that Paul is going to totally whoop Super Crazy’s Butt. He’s gotten kind of fatter! If you listen carefully, you could hear the fans chanting. “Paul was a Pirate!” See people still remember! Paul is really impressive as of late, You’ve gotta love that Face stomper! He should really go back to that Pirate thing! WOW Katie Lea, MY GOD! I’m def pitching a tent right now! The Big Show looks quite skinny right about now!
Monday Night Raw Cont'd
Jeff Seems to have a new Ring Entrance, Sounds pretty cool, but I liked the older one. Well I’ll get this used to this. Well This match is the Money in the bank qualifying Match. Hopefully he’s going to win, and this time, actually make it to the end of the Money in the Bank match this time! He’s going to be going against Snitsky, of course you know that Jeff Hardy is going to win this. And I don’t understand Snitsky’s gimmick. Is it just the yellow teeth? You could be a power house without having bad teeth! You’ve gotta love that Jumping Turnbuckle Mule kick! Jeff Hardy looks like he is about to pull out the win! Twist of Fate and a Swanton BOMB!!! We all knew that he was going to qualify with for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Well Shawn Michaels is out, Ric Flair is going to be going to the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2008! There was like a whole video Montage! Shawn tries a woooo, but not that great!
Monday night coverage!
Always a great way to start off Monday night Raw with the winner of the elimination chamber, The Game, The King of Kings, Triple H. Of course it’s the same thing as always, The Game came out to tell the crowd that he is going to become the 12 time WWE Champion, So orton comes out to interfere, then Mr. John Cena comes out. Remarkably he is getting booed, slightly more that Randy Orton! So John Cena wants a match tonight so that he can go to Mania with the title, and be in the main event! Well Mr. William Regal has better Ideas. It will be a non title match between John Cena And Randy Orton, If John Cena win’s he’s going to go to Wrestlemania. And the Special Guest Referee is going to be The Game Triple H!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Triple H has won the elimination Chamber. Of Course now Wrestlemania is looking really great. Triple H vs. Orton for the title, can’t wait to see how the king of King’s comes to the ring! I want to see him come in with that barbarian outfit, which made him look really cool! Well tomorrow night is Monday night Raw, and I wonder how they are going to play out this whole thing! I want to se some more drama, and maybe a little bit MORE TABLES Ladders and CHAIRS! Well that gives a great Pay per view, which I’m sure they are going to show re-runs of, and then show the whole thing on webcast soon enough! Well let’s see how the WWE Develops all of the rest of the story lines! Of Course the last thing one should see is the whole TRIPLE H standing in the middle of the ring, victorious. The king of kings is going to Mania, and going to beat The legend Killer Randy Orton.
On another note, Big shows nose was broken after getting hit in the face by Mayweather! Shawn must've broken his nose as well during the elimination chamber match! On a side note, there were rumors that were floating around the The Rapper Eminem was getting ready to wrestle, and actually become a WWE Superstar. A big note is that Former WCW tyrants are starting a new Promotion. I shouldn't even say that they are tyrants, but they were massively influential to wrestling! Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are going to be opening up their own promotion, and take on the WWE. Wonder how that's going to turn out! Wouldn't be too bad, because we Have WWE, TNA, and now Hogans Wrestling federation! WWE Mondays, tuesdays and Fridays. TNA Thursdays... and HWF on Wednesdays. That's a wrestling fans wet dream, wrestling every single day of the week!
Randy Orton has kept his title, and same thing goes for EDGE! Now the Big show came back, and that was incredible. Seeing how fit he was! Now the match between Orton and Cena was an Ok match, Rey and EDGE... so so... but waiting to see the final elimination chamber match! Well I knew that Orton was going to win, that means that Cena is going to complain and say that he is the number 1 contender or something, and it’s going to be a triple threat at Wrestlemania. Or they won’t do that, and it will be triple H vs Orton for the title ONE on ONE! Cause I heard somewhere that Triple H really wanted Orton to be champ so that Triple H could beat him at the biggest pay per view of all time WRESTLEMANIA!
NO WAY OUT part 2
Folks, not a big surprise but flair had beaten Kennedy, I don’t think that they are going to make Flair retire at No Way Out, they probably want him to retire at the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania. Of course the Smackdown Elimination chamber ended the way that everyone had predicted! The Undertaker has won the elimination chamber, and they are saying that it’s going to be Edge vs Taker. I said it first didn’t I folks. I said that Taker was going to go against the Rated R Superstar, and at Wrestlemania it’s not only going to be for the World Heavyweight title, but it’s going to be Winning streak vs Never losing streak! More as the night continues!
1st Update on No Way Out!
Some Now Way Out Updates. My goodness, Chavo couldn’t catch a break leading up to this pay per view. But some how under the luck of the stars, he was able to win and beat CM PUNK and retain the WWE Title! I guess this is what they are going to do from now on, on ECW it will only be Chavo vs CM PUNK. But what about the other wrestlers? Not very satisfied with the way of ECW’s path as of late. The only assumption I’m going to make is that ECW will fuse with SMACKDOWN and then be lost once more. They already travel together, and they already cross promote like crazy. So they must be trying to set up the fusion pretty soon, as soon as ECW drops it’s rating even more!
Some news!
Well, who do you think is going to be coming back to the WWE? Well The big guess is the Big Show. See he left Ecw a while ago so he could train and become a boxer. See some investors have been paying to train him, and get him down from 500 plus pounds all the way down to 400 pounds. He's gonna look pretty damn skinny once he gets back to the WWE. The speculation is that he 'll be back after the pay per view No Way Out! I'm looking for to his return, seeing how healthier he looks, and see if he is going to dominate in the ring! Hopefully he won't be sent back to ECW, and hopefully he goes to Raw. But if they send him to smackdown, hopefully it will be Him against all of the giants of Smackdown!
Some new news is that Stephanie is Pregnant again, and Triple H hasn't been back to RAW in like two weeks. I guess we are going to see him at No Way Out! Speaking of No Way Out, its going to be on tonight, and folks, I won't be writing anything until after the show, cause it's not like the FREE Wrestling, it costs money, and I need to watch every second of it undistracted! So later on tonight I'll have the results, we'll see if John cena get's the title back, and we'll see the TWO elimination chamber winners who get to challenge the champ at Wrestlemania!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Smackdown Cont'd
Did I just see Finlay vs. Khali? Well what ever what are you going to do? That’s what’s going on nowadays. They really need to give Finlay a really big push! They need to give him a better story or something. I know he is getting very popular with hornswaggle by his side, but that can last for so long! It’s gonna get old pretty soon, and it’s going to be very boring. Looking at the time I’m assuming that Finlay and Khali was the main event, while they save the last ten minutes of the show for Vickie and Edge! Great, he’s gonna ask her to marry him! DANG. I really don’t like this story line at all! Not at ALL!
Wow, an ok match! Chavo and Shelton vs Kane and PUNK
Holy crap Chavo is the ECW Champ... man ECW has really gone down the drain... What ever happened to the EXTREME part of E C W? Well it was an Ok match, but there should be a stipulation to the ECW title, any match where the ECW title is on the line, should only be in a hardcore match. Kane was impressive as always. CM Punk won the match by doing his GTS move, and pinned Chavo for the third time in the a row. What kind of champ can't even win a single match? You know what Chavo needs to do, is bring back the whole... "I LIE I CHEAT I STEAL"!!!! He will get really popular really fast!!!!Now What they should do, is add some more people to the roster, that are willing to put their bodies on the line. I’m sure there are a bunch of back yard wrestlers who are willing to work for half the amount of money that these ECW guys are getting paid. And the best thing is, that theses new guys are willing to impress everyone, and make a name for themselves, just like the good ol’ ECW.... tables, ladders, and Bodies flying all over the arena... we need the REAL ECW BACK!
Smackdown cont's
Damn, that Big Daddy V. Dude, can’t they at least cover his fat flaps. Now honestly I’m not gonna say anything about his weight, but it just must be uncomfortable for the other wrestlers to wrestle with him. How do they touch that sweaty 500 pounder? But man oh man when the Undertaker comes out, still sends chills down my spine. Ever since I was 10 I always watched the Undertaker come out and get scared. Cause I truly believed that he was a dead man walking! He beat Big Daddy V, which wasn’t much of a surprise at all. I think Big Daddy v is just a really big Jobber, for all of the other talent to just beat on, like a tune up match! If they Really wanted Big Daddy V, to be a force to be reckoned with, the WWE needs to change his attire, cover up some of the folds. Secondly they would have to make it that he would come out and challenged Giants, like The Great Khali. All he’s been doing, is just beating on guys who are just 100 pounds. Dude of course he is going to win. If he starts a feud with the Great Khali, then Khali could become the good guy, and it would be a great rivalry. Two giants facing off with one another.
I have to make note on Taker’s new submission move, which I have to say is that it’s really AWESOME. It’s like every time he puts that submission on, the other dude just starts bleeding, which is freaking sweet! Now looking at the two matches with entrants of the Elimination Chamber, I have a feeling that it’s going to come down to Batista and the Undertaker in the end, and Taker is going to take the prize. And if Taker is going to get the shot at Wrestlemania for the title, then he is going to win... Cause of his incredible winning streak. Here’s the story.... Taker wins, Edge comes on out and says that he has never lost at Wrestlemania. That is true, he’s never lost, so technically it will be streak against streak. And you know Taker is going to win, because, who is going to mess with his streak. Come on it’s hard to win 3 times in row at Wrestlemania!
Good Old Chucky!
Victoria Is looking really hot lately, dude, she is a veteran, but HOT! He this match wasn’t all that great! Chuck came out and he told Michelle to get used to it. Dude, I like his character, being the bad guy. But the thing is I hope his feud isn’t between Michelle and Jamie Noble. Even though Noble is a great dude, and cool, wrestler, I just think that Palumbo would be wasted on that kind of feud. What should happen, is Chuck should go after everyone. He is a biker, and he shouldn’t take crap from anyone! He should walk around in the back and act like he is big and bad, start drinking at ring side, act like everyone else is just a Nobody. Chuck Palumbo should really go after MVP, and try to take the title away. Chuck should be like, I’m one tough S.O.B. and you better get used to that, because I’m going to dominate. He should put people through some tables, or like really injure them, that way the crowd will see Palumbo as a BEAST! It will be the whole dudley boyz effect, they rammed people through tables, and they became so popular because they put people through tables! TABLES! Chuck needs to grab a chair, and shatter someones ankle, maybe every person he goes against. Let it be Jobbers, to build up his street cred! And then when he’s really popular, you let him shatter someone’s ankle so they can take a vacation or something!
2nd match of the night!
Allright, Jesse and Festus, great I like their gimmick. I like how dumb he looks and then when the bell rings, he get’s all intense. Hawkins and Ryder, the Edge heads, not so important. They would have done better if they stayed as Brothers and then along the road they broke up because they lost their match or something. Now Duece and Domino, I really never got. They came from the other side of the tracks, so what? They are just guys that are wearing black pants and white shirts. Not to much Character depth. Now Looking at Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore. Yeah you could tell that they were just thrown together, but they work so well together. See you could believe that Jimmy is an actual redneck. And guess What they won the match. Jimmy, Jesse, Shannon, and Festus, have won the match here on WWE Friday night Smackdown! I like how they proved Festus’ character. Like little wussies, they attacked from behind, and the bell had rung, so Festus didn’t fight, but then jesse Rang the bell, cool match!
Did you See Deuce's face slam right into that turn buckle before he was thrown out of the ring? DUde, and then when Ryder was thrown out, I think he kicked Hawkins in the face or something!
friday night Smackdown Coverage
First things First, we See the Animal Batista. Is it just me, or when his music hits I feel like I can lift 10 tons? I feel like an Animal. I walk to Batista’s theme Song, when I want to feel powerful. And here is his opponent, little MVP... I personally like his walk, it’s such a cocky walk! Well, I think that Batista is going to beat him down!
Friday Night Smackdown is on TONGITH!
Last weeks Friday night Smackdown was ok, it was better when the 6 man tag match took place. But tonight is another Friday night and maybe something better will happen. Last week we saw on the cutting Edge, that Edge literally got his Rated Arse beat down by the Ultimate Underdog Rey Mysterio. What is going to happen tonight? With only two days left until the elimination chamber match at No Way Out live this Sunday on pay per view.
Now Monday night Raw had an incredible Match between Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels. But come on let’s see Smackdown pull some action like that. You know what I want to see? I want to see a huge fight break out, let the 6 men who are going to meet in the chamber step into the ring, and right before the show is over, there should be nothing but chaos and bodies flying everywhere. That’s what needs to happen.
On another not On Monday night Raw we saw the debut, or should I say RE-Debut of Paul Burchill. Remember him, from a while ago, he used to be a Pirate, if you ask me, I liked the pirate gimmick, it was both funny and entertaining to see him wrestle. Now he’s going for the brutal look, with a little dash of incest with his “sister”. Who might I say, since she isn’t my sister, she is pretty hot! So we’ll see what happens on Smackdown and then I’ll get back to you!
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