Monday, September 24, 2007

Holy moley

Can you believe it there has been alot that went down in the WWE in the past couple of WEEKS!
TEddy long's Heart attack... Batista winning the title. The deadman Returning at Unforgiven! Triple H vs. Carlito in a Steel Cage with Vince... and Triple H losing! Wow... a lot has happened!

So let's just break it down... with just the major points. Cena Pissed off Coach... so coach put his dad in a match, and Tonight Cena was going to surrender the title, but Hornswaggle made the save! Interesting!
Batista Beat Khali and Mysterio for the World Title. Good Batista needs to keep the title! He is like the coolest WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION EVER!
Now with ECW, they are doing a whole thing with 4 guys... Stevie Richards, Kevin Thorn, Elijah Burke and Tommy Dreamer... Stevie Richards was already eliminated, but I really hope that Kevin Thorn Gets a chance at the title! He looks like he would put up a good match against CM PUNK! But any way CM PUNK is only champ till Morrison get's back... that's what I think, but Punk is pretty cool... either way... they need more EXTREME!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, alot has happened in WWE... What I heard was that Marcus Cor Von The Alpha Male was fired. Seeing as he hasn't been in the ring for some time now! That makes complete sense though! In All honesty, I think that There should be a fatal 5 way match for the ECW title, and for goodness sake, make it an extreme rules match... or "You have to make ur opponent bleed" and then pin them! SHEESH!